Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Brother

Yesterday I talked about how I think that Saints are good role models. Tonight, I want to talk about role models that are still walking among us here on earth. I am blessed to be able to count my brother as one of my role models.

My parents split-up when I was about five years old, and so, my brother would have been about ten. From that time on, he has always looked out for me. When we were younger, he would include me in some of the things he did with his friends. Even if it was just going over to the neighbor's house and hanging out at the picnic table while they were shooting the breeze, it always made me feel special to be included with the "Big Kids."

Everything was not always smooth sailing. Hey, we were brothers after all. I remember we got into a fist fight in our driveway. He was a teenager; so, I was at least eight. The truth be told, it was not much of a fight. I was really the only one throwing punches. He was holding back. We always had an unwritten rule that you did not throw a punch to the other one's face. I decided to break that rule on that day. My brother was enraged, and I was waiting for the smack down I knew he could levee on me. But, he did not return the favor. He let it go, and taught me a valuable lesson about restraint.

In college, I was struggling for cash and he helped me pay for books on at least one occasion. My brother did not have to do that. It was not in his job description. Besides, he had his own college tuition for which he had to pay. But, that is how he always was. In that instance, he taught me about charity and helping someone in need.

Now, we are adults, and he continues to inspire me. With every problem or struggle that he faces, he finds a solution. His son is lucky to have a father like him. That boy will be able to learn from his Dad the same kindness and caring that he taught to me. I am proud to call my big brother a role model, and I know my children will and do look up to him too.

 Incidently, he is celebrating a milestone birthday today. Happy Birthday! Thank you for all you have done for me. I could not have asked for a better big brother.


  1. He is lucky too, to have a brother like you.

  2. That's debatable depending upon who you ask. But, thank you for the vote of confidence.
