Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Falling Apart - A Complaint

I have nothing better to write about today other than the fact that my body seems to be falling apart at a rapid pace. I am not old by any stretch of the imagination. Geeze, I am only turning 35 in three and half weeks. Yet, I feel like I am turning 65.

Both of my knees hurt all of the time. I messed up my back on Sunday, and it has been giving me fits ever since. When I get down on the ground to play with the kids, I sometimes need help getting up. I told my wife to get ready for a double knee replacement  in our golden years, or sooner.  The next house we buy will  definitely have all of the major living area located on the first floor. Steps and I do not really get along. (They are part of the reason my left knee is in pain.)

But hey, I cannot complain. Other than the knees and back (this week), I am in great health. God has blessed me with and terrific family, and I am gainfully employed. What more can a guy ask for in life? So, I say to myself the ever motivational words that I said to my neighbor during last winter's snow storm when he said his body hurt too much to shovel anymore, "Suck it up Buttercup! We are all sore!"

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